Maybe most Americans don’t really care if we have control over our sovereignty. It seems that the 89% of congress that the American people think aren’t doing their job very well, and the President that 76% of Americans think is doing a crappy job are about to sell it down the river. They will be putting the United States in a subservient position, with little control over defense outside our borders, and other matters of international import. The Law of the Sea Treaty is one of the most dangerous documents to the continued existence of the United States of America, as we know and love it, that has ever been put forth.
Those who feel uncomfortable with unaccountable government officials in control over matters that affect them had better get used to it. Your congress and President are about to secede control of the majority of the planet to unelected, unaccountable internationalists ensconced in the corrupt, bureaucratic morass that is the UN. After experiencing the corruption that was the UN oil for food program in Iraq, or the UN “Peacekeepers” raping women and keeping sex slaves, does any among us feel the least bit comfortable allowing them to be in a position of authority over our nation in any way, shape, or form?
If you can answer yes to this question, perhaps you had better take a good, long look in the mirror. Jack booted thugs in blue armored personnel carriers rumbling through our streets? Perhaps not, but we’ll be losing precisely that control over our destiny that our forefathers fought the redcoats for over 200 years ago. Will we have any say in global events that affect us so greatly? Maybe but a whisper, if we’re fortunate, and toe the line as we’re asked. If we are signatories to this document, our time in the sun will have passed and the U.S. will cease to be the dominant force in the world.
Inasmuch as many would revel in seeing this come to pass, we should remember what we were able to accomplish for the time we held this esteemed position on the world stage. If you feel frustration with your inability to be heard by your elected officials, how will you feel when they are not only unelected, but have no interest in your opinion at all? In fact, there are many around the world, and even inside our borders that are wringing their hands with delight at the mere prospect that the U.S. will be foolish enough to sign the treaty.
For those of you that are unsure how an international treaty could possibly affect them, you should know that such a treaty is the ultimate legal document, superseding even our own Constitution. A treaty is the ultimate abridgement of our rights guaranteed us by the very Constitution, certain provisions of which a treaty would render impotent. If the prospect of yielding authority to such a legislative body frightens you, as well it should. Stipulations unfavorable to our national interests will have to be obeyed, as unpleasant as the consequences may be.
Taxes will have to be paid, treaty stipulations abided by. The U.S could easily be denied the ability to gather intelligence on foreign powers or terrorist groups that could be a threat to our citizens, either abroad or within our own borders. The UN will be a taxing authority, and yeas they will have authority to collect taxes from you. Even better, they’ll not spend your money building your neighborhood school, improving your roads, or hiring additional police officers for your community. The taxes collected by the UN would be distributed to other countries, and you’ll have no say in how or where your money goes. Will the UN be taking money out of your check or levying property taxes against you? Not yet. They have yet to figure out that angle (when they do, check your pay stub), but they will be collecting taxes from U.S companies, possibly the one your work for.
It’s very disconcerting that so many members of congress are eager to jump on such a dangerous bandwagon. By doing so they are yielding an unprecedented amount of our destiny to foreigners who definitely don’t have our best interests at heart. It seems many in our own government may not either. Write, call and / or email your member of congress at once to voice your opinion about this threat to our national future.
You can contact your senate and congressional members here:http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
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